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Brand Design Questionnaire

A brand is more than just a logo, it is a way to communicate your company’s personality and values, making your company more approachable and unique to clients and customers.

The following document contains all of the necessary information I need in order to build your proposal as accurately as possible.  Not all information will be relevant to you or your project – please feel free to skip these, or indeed if you do not yet know what you need in a particular area, just leave it blank – we can always discuss this at a later date.

  • From your website to social media posts to dealings with the press, everything your brand says, shares and does should convey a consistent brand message. Decide the tone of your brand – is it playful or corporate? – and ensure that it is followed through across all touchpoints.
  • Researching your target market helps to create buyer behaviour profiles for different customer segments.
  • If rebranding please tell us what is wrong with your existing brand.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.